Web Zones
In Web Zones page, we are create a SSID and password to connect internet for the device and to locate the device.
Device Works even without connecting to the Web Zones.
To Create a Web Zone
Click on Create New Web Zone and a pop-up window will be displayed.
Enter the Web Zone Name and should have 2 to 20 characters maximum.
Enter the SSID and should have 6 to 20 characters maximum.
Enter the Password and should have 8 to 20 characters maximum.
Enter the Location a dropdown will be listed and location can be selected.
Click Create button.
To Edit a Web Zone
To edit click the Ellipsis icon that is present on the actions and click Edit Web Zone or
Click on particular Web Zone, where it navigates to next page and click on the Edit Web Zone.
A pop-up window will be displayed.
To Edit enter the Web Zone Name.
To Edit enter the SSID and Password.
To Edit enter the Location.
Click Update button.
To Delete a Web Zone
To edit click the Ellipsis icon that is present on the actions and click Delete Web Zone or
Click on particular Web Zone, where it navigates to next page and click on the Delete Web Zone.
A pop-up window will be displayed for confirmation.
Click on Delete button.
Last updated