In Dashboard tab, the widgets that are been added will be displayed in this dashboard. The Gauge, LED and Slider works according the widgets input.
We can control the switches and send message to the devices.
To Control the switch
Click on any particular Device.
Here you can navigate through tabs.
Click on the Dashboard tab.
Click the Toggle button to turn on or to turn off the switch.
To Control the Terminal
Click on any particular Device.
Here you can navigate through tabs.
Click on the Terminal tab.
Enter the Text that can be sent as message to the device.
To Control the Slider
Click on any particular Device.
Here you can navigate through tabs.
Click on the Slider tab.
Slid the bar so the value will get increased and decreased.
Slider value is displayed as per the input given to the device.
Display Widgets
Click on any particular Device.
Here you can navigate through tabs.
The Gauge is displayed as per the input given to the device.
Click on any particular Device.
Here you can navigate through tabs.
The LED shows the output of the device.
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