Data Feeds

In Data Feeds channels that are used to send data between the device and Devsbot. We will be using this Data Feeds to send random values from your device.

To Create a Digital Pins

  • Click the Cluster, here you can navigate through tabs.

  • Click on the Data Feeds tab.

  • Click on Edit button. Choose Digital in the dropdown.

A window is opened to fill the below mentioned

  • Name: Digital

  • Alias : Digital Pin

  • Pin: 0 to 13

  • Pin Mode: Input or Output

  • Select any Colour as required.

  • Click Create or Cancel button

To Create a Analog Pins

  • Click the Cluster, here you can navigate through tabs.

  • Click on the Data Feeds tab.

  • Click on Edit button. Choose Analog in the dropdown.

A window is opened to fill the below mentioned

  • Name: Analog

  • Alias : Analog Pin

  • Min/Max: 0/100

  • Pin Mode : Input or Output

  • Units : Inch

  • Default Value: 0

  • Select any Colour as required.

  • Click Create or Cancel button

To Create a Virtual Pins

  • Click the Cluster, here you can navigate through tabs.

  • Click on the Data Feeds tab.

  • Click on Edit button. Choose Virtual in the dropdown.

A window is opened to fill the below mentioned

  • Name: Virtual

  • Alias : Virtual Pin

  • Min/Max: 0/100

  • Select any Colour as required.

  • Click Create or Cancel button

Last updated