OTA Update

In OTA Update Page, we can create a OTA Update for cluster. As the cluster has a collection of devices. Device can be updated.

A Firmware File is required to update the Devices.

To Create a New Update

  • Click on the New Update and a pop-up window will be displayed.

  • Select a Cluster from the dropdown, so the current version will be auto displayed.

  • Select a Version Type as Minor or Major from the dropdown.

  • The New Version will be displayed.

  • Click on the Update Firmware file and a window will be pop up.

  • Choose a file in Bin format and Click open.

  • Enter the Description and that can have maximum of 75 characters.

  • Click on Upload button.

To Auto Update the Devices

  • Click on Show Devices that is listed for the particular cluster listed on OTA page.

  • A table will be displayed.

  • Click on Toggle icon for devices that needs to be auto updated.

  • Once the auto update is enabled, Update Now button will be disabled.

  • Click Show Version on the updated firmware cluster, a table will be displayed.

  • Click Update Now for the version that needs to updated.

To Manual Update a Device

  • Click on Show Devices that is listed for the particular cluster listed on OTA page.

  • A table will be displayed.

  • Select update version on the dropdown listed.

  • Make sure the auto update toggle is turned off.

  • Click on Update Now button.

To Rollback Devices

  • Click on Show Devices that is listed for the particular cluster listed on OTA page.

  • A table will be displayed.

  • Click on Toggle icon on the auto update that needs to be rollback to the previous version.

  • Click Show Version on the updated firmware cluster, a table will be displayed.

  • Click Rollback for the version that needs to be downgraded.

Last updated